Intermediate & Advanced Conversation

Learn by intentional conversation. Let an expert guide you through the nuances of American-style English. Focus on what you know well and build on that.

Bring a group from your company.

Get on the waiting list. When we have a qualified group of at least three students, we schedule the our meetings.

3-6 students per group.

Usually, we work online via Zoom. Arrangements can be made for onsite conversations as well. 

Read: What Classes Are Like


Our Course Offerings

Intermediate Conversation

8 week classes

This is for the student who knows English as a second language, but struggles to feel relaxed in everyday conversation.

8 weeks (repeatable)
$520.00 per student

3-6 students
45 minute sessions

1 x each week

Advanced Conversation

8 week classes

This is for the student who is comfortable speaking English and wants to develop skills in more sophisticated topics.

8 weeks (repeatable)
$600.00 per student

3-6 students

45 minute sessions

1 x each week

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Note: Purchases through Amazon links help defray the costs of this group.
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